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Le 02/03/2009 à 17:46:44 
superbe cette photo. On devrait voir le BAMBINO BAR, combien de touristes vont y prendre un pot ou déguster de succulents petits plats
Le 26/11/2014 à 20:04:45 
Magnifique !
Le 12/08/2015 à 01:14:23 
f916jan6f19b1 290I learned more a new cahllenge on this fat loss issue. One particular issue is that good nutrition is very vital when dieting. A huge reduction in bad foods, sugary food items, fried foods, sweet foods, pork, and white colored flour products could be necessary. Holding wastes parasites, and harmful toxins may prevent ambitions for losing weight. While particular drugs momentarily solve the matter, the horrible side effects will not be worth it, and they never present more than a momentary solution. It is just a known fact that 95% of fad diets fail. Many thanks sharing your notions on this blog site. 122
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